Information on Xu Zhiyong’s hunger strike (2024.10.29)
1) Family members’ meeting
On the morning of the 29th, two of Xu Zhiyong’s family members went to meet him, but returned home after the meeting; Lawyer Xiao did not obtain any valid information from the family members, and the family members said they did not want to disclose it and hurried home. Li Qiaochu was unable to contact Zhiyong’s family members on the same day and could not obtain relevant information.
2) Lawyer’s meeting application
Lawyer Xiao submitted a meeting application on the morning of the 29th and was told that there would be a reply and arrangement within 48 hours. According to the special handling process for Xu Zhiyong’s appeal case, after receiving the application, the prison will report it to the judicial department for instructions, so it is impossible to reply as soon as possible whether the meeting can be held. Lawyer Xiao is waiting for further news in the hotel.
3) No news about Xu Zhiyong’s hunger strike, which needs to be continuously monitored
At present, no family members or lawyers have updated the news, and it is impossible to know whether the prison has put pressure on the family members or lawyers. But what is certain is that according to the affectionate phone call Xu Zhiyong made from Lunan Prison on October 23, he not only described the reason for his hunger strike, but also expressed his determination to fight.
Therefore, when the family and lawyers have not updated the news, we still believe that Xu Zhiyong is still on hunger strike. I hope everyone will continue to pay attention, forward, support and take action.
Xiamen Gathering Case Concern Group
October 29, 2024