Information on Xu Zhiyong’s hunger strike (2024.10.24-10.28)
Xu Zhiyong’s hunger strike has attracted widespread attention from the outside world After the news about Zhiyong’s hunger strike was released on the evening of the 23rd, the outside world paid great attention. In the following days, some institutions and government departments issued statements or sent diplomatic notes to the Chinese government.
Lunan Prison suspended the public telephone number for prison affairs on the 24th On October 24, some netizens tried to call Lunan Prison to inquire about the situation, but several external telephones of Lunan Prison were not connected at the same time. Later, someone revealed the mobile phone number of Chen Lei, the head of the prison administration department of Lunan Prison. Netizens who tried to contact Chen Lei reported that he never answered the phone and did not respond to text messages.
Lunan Prison denied the existence of a hunger strike on the 25th in response to inquiries from concerned netizens On October 25, some netizens called the prison administration department of Lunan Prison. The operator spoke very politely, but she denied the hunger strike and emphasized that the prison treated Xu Zhiyong very well. When asked about the communication between Xu and Li Qiaochu, she also denied the deprivation of the right to communicate, and randomly guessed that “Li Qiaochu is sick, and the information must have been leaked by her.” But as we all know, Li Qiaochu has been cut off from communication for nearly 2 months and has no right to meet. At the same time, she is under strict supervision and cannot speak or even contact Xu Zhiyong’s friends. How could she know and leak the news?
Suggestions: Support desperate survival with actions Here, the concern group calls on friends outside to continue to express their concern for Xu Zhiyong to the prison authorities with some small actions, urging them to protect his legal rights and legal demands:
1.和你写:通过写信、明信片的方式向许志永本人表达问候和关心 具体地址:中国山东省日照市东港区鲁南监狱狱政科(转)许志永(收)
1.Writing for you: Express greetings and concern to Xu Zhiyong himself through letters and postcards Specific address: Prison Administration Department, Lunan Prison, Donggang District, Rizhao City, Shandong Province, China (forwarded) Xu Zhiyong (received)
具体地址:中国山东省日照市东港区鲁南监狱 监狱长刘晓东(收)
2.Questioning you: Write a letter to the warden of Lunan Prison in Shandong Province, asking about Xu Zhiyong’s specific physical condition, and asking the prison authorities to protect Xu Zhiyong’s basic human rights and provide humane medical care during Xu Zhiyong’s hunger strike. Specific address: Liu Xiaodong, warden of Lunan Prison, Donggang District, Rizhao City, Shandong Province, China (received)
- 监狱总机:+866336106422;
- 狱政科:+866332946403或者+866333326422;
- 狱政科科长办公室:+866333326171;
- 狱政科科长手机号:+8619963322511
3.Call you: Call Lunan Prison to inquire about Xu Zhiyong’s specific physical condition, and ask the prison to protect Xu Zhiyong’s basic human rights and provide humane medical care during Xu Zhiyong’s hunger strike. Phone numbers:
- Prison switchboard: +866336106422;
- Prison Administration Department: +866332946403 or +866333326422;
- Prison Administration Department Chief’s Office: +866333326171;
- Prison Administration Department Chief’s mobile phone number: +8619963322511
TIPS: In the process of supporting, respect and protect basic human rights such as the right to life, the right to health, and the right to communication. The actions advocated are relatively specific and operational, and do not fall into the superficial form of empty slogans.
Xiamen Gathering Case Concern Group
October 28, 2024